Kelley’s Story — Daughter of New Dawn Meals Wheels Client
“While there are many things that can be done over the phone and computer, providing healthy meals is not one of them.”
“With my mom being ill, in need of constant care, and still living at home, this left a tremendous strain on my dad. My dad didn’t have the time or energy to cook meals every day along with being a full-time caregiver. Because I live in the United States, I am unable to physically be there to help them. While there are many things that can be done over the phone and computer, cooking for my parents, and providing them with healthy meals is not one of them. I turned to Meals On Wheels for help.
“I can’t commend this wonderful program and its staff and volunteers enough. Talking with Meals On Wheels staff was like talking with friends. They made everything so easy. In just a few minutes I had my parents set up to receive meals — so very professional and efficient.
“The Meals On Wheels program has taken one small burden off our shoulders. This program and its staff helped us through a very difficult time. When looking after someone who is ill, cooking is the last thing you want to think about, but Meals On Wheels takes care of this for you.
“I would recommend Meals On Wheels in a heartbeat! Delicious, nutritious, hot meals, delivered to your door — what more could you ask for?”
—Kelley, Daughter of New Dawn Meals Wheels Client
Sign Up
To register yourself, or a loved one, for Meals on Wheels, please contact us:
Kathleen Whelan
Coordinator, New Dawn Meals on Wheels
902-562-1245 [email protected]
37 Nepean Street, Sydney
9:00 am – 5:00 pm