Sliding Scale Program

Meals on Wheels is working to meet each client where they are financially, while creating a sustainable business model for the future. Rather than a fixed price per meal, clients are charged a subsidized rate based on annual household income.

Who is eligible for subsidy?

Individuals whose annual household income is less than $50,000 per year are eligible for subsidy. Meals billed to a third-party organization are not eligible for subsidy. If a client’s meals are being paid for by a family member and the family member’s yearly household income falls within the first three levels of the sliding scale, they may also qualify for meal subsidy.

MOW Subsidy Scale

Household Income Price per Meal
At or below $25,000 $7
$25,001 – $40,000 $9
$40,001 – $50,000 $12
$50,001+ OR 3rd Party Organizations $15

How does it work?

Clients interested in applying to the Meals on Wheels program must submit a copy of their CRA Income Tax Notice of Assessment Form to the New Dawn Meals on Wheels office.

New Dawn Meals on Wheels will use line 150 from the Tax Assessment Form to determine the client’s level on the sliding scale.

Contact Info

If you have any questions about the Sliding Scale program or would like to arrange to submit your CRA Income Tax Assessment Form, please contact our office at:

[email protected]

170 George Street,
Sydney NS B1P 1J2